Reply To: October R World

Home Forums CB1100R Owners Club Forum October R World Reply To: October R World


Hello all,

I am a recent returnee to the club having last been a member in 1997. In ’99 my RC suffered a major engine failure on a trip back from the North West 200. I subsequently bought a fire blade and came off that and whilst
I was happy to see it taken away I just never wanted to do the same with the RC which I have owned since ’87.
Anyway despite all the usual distractions over the years I really want to get the RC rebuilt / restored and back on the road: it will need new crank cases see attached picture. I do not have the facilities, ability or time to undertake the work myself unfortunately so parts permitting it will require a professional job.

I would be very grateful for any advice that club members might have in terms of recommendations and general experience. In general the cycle parts frame and body work are all good. A new tank, and fairing and stainless exhaust had been put on it before the engine failed so it was looking well and has been garaged ever since.

All advice welcome and it is great to see that the club is going strong.

