1100R Toolkit

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    did the standard toolkit vary between RB/RC/RD,anyone got any photos they could post of what they are sure is the correct kit for each model if they did vary


    Hi Paul,

    I still have an action on my ‘TO DO’ list to see if I can get some copies of my original leather toolroll made……but here is a picture of my standard RD toolkit without the tyre pressure gauge – which I have elsewhere!!
    This is the canvas toolroll from Honda a good few years ago….

    Dick H

    Trevor Hughes

    Hi Paul

    I have only seen the tool kits in the tool roll as in Dicks picture. The tools contained within the kit do differ between the models, this is to fit the rear wheel spindle nut. The RB/RC kit contains a 24mm Eye Wrench which is replaced with a 27mm Eye wrench in the RD kit. As Dick has said there was also a pressure gauge which was a clock type gauge, these do again differ between the models according to the parts book. I believe the RB gauge had a silver face with 2 scales Kg/cm2 and PSI all writing is black. The RC/RD again had a silver face with 2 scales Kg/cm2 and PSI but this time the PSI scale is red.




    I am after an RD tool kit if anyone has one/sees one or knows where I can get one.





    thanks for the replies chaps,now what I need to know is did the same tool vary between kits,for example would a 12mm spanner be the same across the board.Apologies for the anorak but I have a good selection of Honda tools etc and am trying to put together a couple of complete kits so might as well make them as authentic as possible


    Paul, not sure of the exact make up of the various kits, but you can check all the part numbers on the CMS website to make a list. I had a look at a couple and they have the 422 code (CBX1000). For my CBX I bought a complete tool kit from Louis Mintrone in the US (usedcbxparts.com). He has brand new through to crappy sets available, depending on your budget. Got a reasonable one sent here to Aus OK.

    Trevor Hughes

    Hi Paul

    I purchased a new complete RB/RC tool kit 89010-MA3-000 some years back and can post some pictures when I get time. What pictures would you like me to post?

    Trevor Hughes


    Hi Paul
    I have checked the tool kits for my bikes and although the parts book shows common part numbers some of the spanners do differ in my tool kit the spanners are all the same sizes but my RD tool kit all three spanners have Honda written on them, the RC kit 2 have Honda and the other HM, while the RB kit only one has Honda the other 2 have HM. However pictured here is the RB/RC tool kit I purchased new 89010-MA3-000
    From the Left
    89219-422-000 Wrench eye, 24mm
    89217-422-000 Handle eye wrench 120mm
    89218-422-000 Wrench eye, 22mm
    89215-422-000 Spanner pin
    89226-422-000 Spanner 14×17
    89225-422-000 Spanner 10×12
    89224-422-000 Spanner 8×12
    89222-422-000 Wrench Hex 8mm
    89221-422-000 Wrench Hex 6mm
    89210-422-000 Pliers 150
    89216-425-870 Wrench Spark Plug
    89103-371-000 Gauge Feeler 0.7
    89227-422-000 Driver 2 Plus screw
    89228-422-000 Driver 3 Plus screw
    89229-422-000 Driver 2 Minus screw
    99003-50000 Grip
    The RD tool kit is the same except the 24mm Wrench eye is replaced by 89219-MA3-850 Wrench eye, 27mm.
    The RB Gauge Air Pressure 89301-469-611 has all black writing on the face while the RC/RD Gauge Air Pressure 89301-463-771 has a red PSI scale.



    thanks Trev
    have sorted out what I have and would appear I am a screwdriver,the c spanner and a pressure gauge short,screw driver I am not too bothered about as I can still order one,anyone help with the other 2 items I am short



    usedcbxparts.com have everything, but a little expensive in my view. I am after a complete toolkit and they quoted me $325.00 for a complete kit.

    In your opinion am I being tight or is that expensive ? Works out at £205.00 & thats assuming customs dont add something to that.

    I am sure they can supply the bits you are after.



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