CB1100RB Knockhill 1981

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    I haven’t logged onto the forum for a while and wanted to check if the 2 Swiss bikes that had been stolen in Edinburgh had been recovered yet. A totally disgraceful thing to happen – hopefully the bikes are returned in a reasonable condition.

    I’ve been meaning to upload this photo for a while. The rider is Dennis Prosser at Knockhill on the 28th June 1981. Dennis was better known for his Tony Foale framed CBX1000 – ‘Excalibur’, which is still in Scotland – I bought my RB from the guy who owns it now. All Dennis’s bikes were beautifully turned out and usually painted black, which explains why a nearly new 1100RB was black. I have no more information on this bike but wondered if it still survives and is known to the club?

    Stuart Gray

    Glenn Kirkham

    Nope -still one missing – 4 were taken – two dumped and recovered, one being Joy Ridden and recovered – two males being charged – with riding a stolen motorcycle..!! Slap on the wrists communi9ty service sentence probably …:confused:

    Trevor Hughes

    Stuart, Great picture from 1981. I have no knowledge of this bike in the club but if you can find any more details it is posiable It may be owned by a club member.

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