Oil and cooler

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    When I serviced the bike in March I cleaned the oil strainer and was suprised to find some metal in there, am planning to change oil again whilst bike is stripped down over winter. I hope this was the first time the strainer had been cleaned ?. Will check strainer again and hope to not find anything.

    Has anyone any experience of this.

    If I find debris will get the oil analysed to find out what type of metal it is before anything goes belly up.

    Has anyone used the more expensive filter on Dave Silver web site. I am always very careful about buying spares as a lot of counterfit stuff out there that is rubbish. We have a big problem at work with counterfit maintenance spares and now we only buy direct from the manufacturer for most spares, its not worth the risk.

    Also has anyone used a larger oil cooler and if so what size, mine unfortunalty has had something hit the fins at some point and I want to replace it rather than let the oil get too hot, also

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